2004 Ipswich Tournament
Peter Boughton reports:
For those unfamiliar with the Ipswich Tournament, it is organised on an individual entry basis with pairings determined by the organiser with the intention of creating as many evenly-matched pairs as possible. Whilst most of those participating have an Ipswich connection, we are indebted to those outside the OI Club and the School whose presence provides a dimension that is invaluable.
2003 Ipswich Tournament
Peter Boughton reports:
Given the complexities and constantly changing circumstances to be taken into account when executing the pairing of entrants for the Ipswich Tournament, the culmination of the 2003 competition was extraordinary.
2002 Ipswich Tournament
Mike Fenn reports:
The twenty-third infamous 'Ipswich Handicap', masquerading as the Graves Cup, was held over a mild, sunny weekend at the beginning of January. For once the weather was kind and enabled a large following of spectators to enjoy a good weekend of Fives in relative comfort.
2001 Ipswich Tournament
Tim Fletcher reports:
Once again in an attempt to fend off the winter blues and to work off the Christmas excesses many players - Old Ipswichians, School pupils, staff and guests - entered the infamous 'Ipswich Handicap'.
2000 Ipswich Tournament
Steve Burnell reports:
The Ipswich Tournament, as has become customary in recent years, was again held early in January and this year attracted thirteen pairs, with an overwhelming majority of the season's OI regulars participating, together with a combination of pupils, one master and, disappointingly few, non Ipswichians. The weather, though cold, was thankfully dry and all three of the heavily used courts played consistently.
1999 Ipswich Tournament
1998 Ipswich Tournament
1997 Ipswich Tournament
1996 Ipswich Tournament
1994/95 Ipswich Tournament